When Wham City is Underwater, 07/05/2006

What will we do when Wham City is underwater?
It’s been raining all month,
but what when it rains all year?
If the ice continues to melt,
and the hot Atlantic waters finally
crash up along North America,
casually flooding the Chesapeake,
burying Inner Harbor,
and making the Tavern the really watery hole its meant to be
what will we do?
Will Blood Baby and Deacon draw the kids in
while my pictures sell for ten thousand dollars each
and the Building alleviates that ninety degree January heat?
How many windows still could keep the water out,
and protect us in our carcinogenic hipster paradise?
After the Cineplex digital auto epic
silenced the politician who was actually
giving responsibility a shot
even the cockroaches will loose their ugly heads.
In the future,
the rides we don’t like
decide to give us no choice.